Saturday, January 8, 2011

Reflecting and making new commitments

Happy New Year friends! Did you bring in the new year with a bang, hangover and/or new resolutions?I had visions of a romantic stay in Seattle to bring in the New Year, but alas, we ended up staying home because the love of my life worked late and was battling a terrible cold. I put on my jammies, opened up a bottle of wine and watched a depressing but entirely necessary documentary about Japan's dolphin slaughtering practices on Netflix called "The Cove". Once Ed finally made it home, I fed him soup and then we fell asleep watching a goofy comedy. Do we know how to party or what?
It's now 2011 and I'm about to write out my new goals and create my new "destiny board".  There's something about putting my goals/desires/commitments in words and images that really makes a difference. During one of his events, Tony Robbins shared a process with us that he uses every year and is something we're going to be playing with in our home. (paraphrasing)
  1. At the beginning of every year it's important to look back at the previous year and write down all the magical moments you experienced, all the successes, all the things you're proud of, all the things that made you smile and feel free to celebrate them as you remember them.
  2. As you look back, there might have been some things that didn't go so well, or things you didn't get to, things you didn't accomplish. Spend some time writing those down. Don't do this to berate yourself, do it to acknowledge them so you don't make the same mistakes in the new year.
  3. You might be at a point where you proclaim "that's it, I've had it, THIS is the year that I'm goint to..." Write down the things you're committed to doing in the new year, the goals you want to accomplish, the changes you want to make, the things you want to sustain in the new year.
  4. It seems that everyone makes resolutions at the beginning of each year only to give up by January 15th. It's hard to succeed (or remember what you wanted to accomplish) without a roadmap or action plan. Write down the strategies you're going to implement that will empower you to follow through.
2010 was one of the best years of my life. I turned 40 and our daughters turned 16 and 21, it was Ed's first time being top manager of the year, we took our first trips to Maui, England and France, participated in two live Tony Robbins events, went to several concerts, the Lakers beat the Celtics to win another Championship and the Huskies won the Rose Bowl!
I remember wondering if my best years happened back when my entire summer was a vacation, my only bills were clothes, Big Gulps and concert tickets, and I had an incredible metabolism that forgave donuts, birthday cake and hot fudge sundaes. Nope. When I reflect back on 2010 and look forward at the possibilities of 2011, there's no doubt that some of my best years are going to be in my 40's and beyond. Well, now I'm motivated to cut out images and get my destiny board up for 2011. The Seahawks just beat the Saints in the playoffs so I know for sure that anything is possible!
Happy New Year everyone!! Reflect, commit, create a strategy and go kick some ass!
With love,

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